
29. Walter S ,Franke V ,Drayman N , Wyler E , Tay S, Landthaler M, Akalin A, Ensser A, Full F. Herpesviruses mimic zygotic genome activation to promote viral replication. Nature Communications. 2025 Jan 16;16(1):710. doi: 10.1038/s41467-025-55928-5

28. Bautista L, Sirimanotham C, Espinoza J, Cheng D, Tay S and Drayman N. A drug repurposing screen identifies decitabine as an HSV-1 antiviral. Microbiology Spectrum. 2024 Sep 17:e0175424. doi: 10.1128/spectrum.01754-24

27. Bost P and Drayman N. Dissecting viral infections, one cell at a time, by single-cell technologies. Microbes and Infections. 2023 Nov 24:105268.

26. Shitrit A, Nisnevich V, Rozenshtein N, Kobo H, Phan H, Tay S, Szpara M, Weitzman M, Drayman N, Kobiler O. Shared Sequence Characteristics Identified in Non-Canonical Rearrangements of HSV-1 Genomes. Journal of Virology 2023 Nov 22:e0095523.

25. Drayman N. mSphere of influence: Virology in the noise – how cell-to-cell variability impacts viral infection outcomes. mSphere. 2023 Sep 25:e0043823.

24. Zhou Y, Liu Y, Gupta S, Paramo MI, Hou Y, Mao C, Luo Y, Judd J, Wierbowski S, Bertolotti M, Nerkar M, Jehi L, Drayman N, Nicolaescu V, Gula H, Tay S, Randall G, Lis JT, Feschotte C, Erzurum SC, Cheng F, Yu H. A comprehensive SARS-CoV-2–human protein–protein interactome reveals COVID-19 pathobiology and potential host therapeutic targets. Nature Biotechnology 2022 Oct 10.  doi: 10.1038/s41587-022-01474-0

23. Nguyen LC, Renner DM, Silva D, Yang D, Parenti NA, Medina KM, Nicolaescu V, Gula H, Drayman N, Valdespino A, Mohamed A, Dann C, Wannemo K, Robinson-Mailman L, Gonzalez A, Stock L, Cao M, Qiao Z, Moellering RE, Tay S, Randall G, Beers MF, Rosner MR, Oakes SA, Weiss SR. SARS-CoV-2 Diverges from Other Betacoronaviruses in Only Partially Activating the IRE1α/XBP1 Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Pathway in Human Lung-Derived Cells. mBio 2022 Sep 20:e0241522.

22. Nguyen LC, Yang D, Nicolaescu V, Best TJ, Gula H, Saxena D, Gabbard JD, Chen SN, Ohtsuki T, Friesen JB, Drayman N, Mohamed A, Dann C, Silva D, Robinson-Mailman L, Valdespino A, Stock L, Suárez E, Jones KA, Azizi SA, Demarco JK, Severson WE, Anderson CD, Millis JM, Dickinson BC, Tay S, Oakes SA, Pauli GF, Palmer KE; National COVID Cohort Collaborative Consortium, Meltzer DO, Randall G, Rosner MR. Cannabidiol inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication through induction of the host ER stress and innate immune responses. Science Advances. 2022 Feb 25;8(8):eabi6110. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abi6110. Epub 2022 Feb 23.

21. Drayman N, DeMarco J, Jones K, Azizi S, Froggatt H, Tan K, Maltseva N, Chen S, Nicolaescu V, Dvorkin S, Furlong K, Kathayat R, Firpo M, Mastrodomenico V, Bruce E, Schmidt M, Jedrzejczak R, Muñoz-Alía M, Schuster B, Nair V, Han K, O’Brien A, Tomatsidou A, Meyer B, Vignuzzi M, Missiakas D, Botten J, Brooke C, Lee H, Baker S, Mounce B, Heaton N, Severson W, Palmer K, Dickinson B, Jaochimiak A, Randall G, and Tay S. Masitinib is a broad coronavirus 3CL inhibitor that blocks replication of SARS-CoV-2. Science. 2021 July 20.

20. Phan HV, van Gent M, Drayman N, Basu A, Gack MU, Tay S. High-throughput RNA sequencing of paraformaldehyde-fixed single cells. Nature Communications. 2021 Sep 24;12(1):5636. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-25871-2.

19. Patel P, Drayman N, Liu P, Bilgic M, Tay S. Computer vision reveals hidden variables underlying NF-κB activation in single cells. Science Advances. 2021 Oct 22;7(43):eabg4135. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abg4135. Epub 2021 Oct 22.

18. Morris A, McCorkindale W, Consortium TCM, Drayman N, Chodera JD, Tay S, London N, Lee AA. Discovery of SARS-CoV-2 main protease inhibitors using a synthesis-directed de novo design model. Chem Commun (Camb). 2021 May 19.

17. Lin J, Jordi C, Son M, Van Phan H, Drayman N, Abasiyanik MF, Vistain L, Tu HL, Tay S. Ultra-sensitive digital quantification of proteins and mRNA in single cells. Nature Communications. 2019 Aug 7;10(1):3544. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-11531-z. PMCID: PMC6685952.

16. Drayman N, Patel P, Vistain L, Tay S. HSV-1 single-cell analysis reveals the activation of anti-viral and developmental programs in distinct sub-populations. eLife. 2019 May 15;8. pii: e46339. doi: 10.7554/eLife.46339.

15. Tomer E, Cohen EM, Drayman N, Afriat A, Weitzman MD, Zaritsky A, Kobiler O. Coalescing replication compartments provide the opportunity for recombination between coinfecting herpesviruses. FASEB J. 2019 May 20:fj201900032R. doi: 10.1096/fj.201900032R.

14. Drayman N, Karin O, Mayo A, Danon T, Shapira L, Rafael D, Zimmer A, Bren A, Kobiler O and Alon U. Dynamic Proteomics of Herpes Simplex virus infection. Nov 2017, mBio, 8:e01612-17.

13. Drayman N. Observed High Coinfection Rates Seem To Be a Result of Overlapping Plaques. Oct 2017, mBio, 2017. 8:e01000-17.

12. Drayman N, Ben-Nun-Shaul O, Butin-Israeli V, Srivastava R, Rubinstein AM, Mock CS, Elyada E, Ben-Neriah Y, Lahav G, Oppenheim A. p53 acts in host defense against SV40 infection by repressing T-antigen expression. Oncotarget, 2016. Aug 16;7(33):52643-52660.

11. Bauman Y, Drayman N, Ben-Nun-Shaul O, Vitenstein A, Yamin R,Ophir Y, Oppenheim A and Mandelboim O. Downregulation of the stress-induced ligand ULBP1 following SV40 infection confers viral evasion from NK cell cytotoxicity. Oncotarget. 2016 Mar 29;7(13):15369-81.

10. Glick Y, Ben-Ari Y, Drayman N, et al. Pathogen Receptor Discovery with a Microfluidic Human Membrane Protein Array. PNAS, 2016 Apr 19;113(16):4344-9.

9. Arbelle A, Drayman N, Bray M, Alon U, Carpenter A and Riklin Raviv T. Analysis of High-throughput Microscopy Videos: Catching Up with Cell Dynamics. International Conference of Medical Image computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2015), pages 218-225.

8. Drayman N, Glick Y, Zer H, Zlotnick A, Gerber D, Schueler-Furman O and Oppenheim A. Pathogens use structural mimicry of native host ligands as a mechanism of host recognition. Cell Host & Microbe. 2013 Jul 17;14(1):63-73.

7. Stergiou L, Bauer M, Mair W, Bausch-Fluck D, Drayman N, Wollscheid B, Oppenheim A and Pelkmans L. Integrin-Mediated Signaling Induced by Simian Virus 40 Leads to Transient Uncoupling of Cortical Actin and the Plasma Membrane. PLoS One. 2013;8(2):e55799.

6. Kobiler O, Drayman N, Butin-Israeli V and Oppenheim A. Virus strategies for passing the nuclear envelope barrier. Nucleus. 2012 Nov-Dec;3(6):526-39.

5. Drayman N and Oppenheim A. Rapid titration of viruses by flow cytometry. In: Current Protocols in Cell Biology, 2011 Jun; Chapter 26:Unit26.11.

4. Bauman Y, Nachmani D, Vitenshtein A, Tsukerman P, Drayman N, Stern-Ginossar N, Lankry D, Gruda R, Mandelboim O. An Identical miRNA of the Human JC and BK Polyoma Viruses Targets the Stress-Induced Ligand ULBP3 to Escape Immune Elimination. Cell Host & Microbe. 2011 Feb 17;9(2):93-102.

3. Drayman, N., Kler, S., Ben-Nun-Shaul, O., and Oppenheim, A. Rapid method for SV40 titration. Journal of Virological Methods. 2010 Mar;164(1-2):145-7.

2. Butin-Israeli, V., Drayman, N., and Oppenheim, A. Host-virus interactions: SV40 infection triggers balanced network that includes apoptotic, survival and stress pathways. Journal of Virology. 2010 Apr;84(7):3431-42.

1. Leiba, A., Drayman, N., Amsalem, Y., Aran, A., Weiss, G., Leiba, R., Schwartz, D., Levi, Y., Goldberg, A., and Bar-Dayan, Y. Establishing a high level of knowledge regarding bioterrorist threats in emergency department physicians: methodology and the results of a national bio-preparedness project. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2007 May-Jun;22(3):207-11